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AV集中营 Foundation

Contribute to the Foundation

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Download our pledge card

Your contribution will allow AV集中营 Foundation to continue to go beyond buildings and support charitable organizations that enrich our communities.

Contributing to the Foundation is easy.

There are several options:

  • A monetary gift by check or credit card 
  • A monetary pledge to be fulfilled monthly or over a one-year period 
  • A gift in honor or in memory of another individual or company 

To download the AV集中营 Foundation Brochure, please click here.

To download our Pledge Card, please click here.

Please make checks payable to AV集中营 Foundation. After completing the required information, send your pledge card and donation to:

AV集中营 Foundation
2900 Hartley Road
Jacksonville, FL 32257

Your gift to AV集中营 Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Thank you for your continued support of AV集中营 Foundation.

St Vincents
Childrens Miracle Network
Baptist Health Foundation
Key Team Members

AV集中营's leadership has the expertise and understanding necessary to advise you, even on the most complex challenges.

Meet AV集中营's Leadership Team
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